The Surprising Benefits of CBD Gummies

We love to hear feedback from customers about our products- We interviewed Lisa about her experience taking the Full Spectrum CBD Gummies. It turned out there were some surprising benefits!

Read the interview below or listen to the full interview here.

Beginning of interview…

John: All right, this is John and I’m here talking to Lisa. Tell me a little bit about the CBD you tried. What was it that you tried from Flint River Organics?

Lisa: The gummies.

John: The gummies. Okay! And what can you tell us about it? Why did you pick the gummies? First of all?

Lisa: Well, I just like the taste, and that you can just pop ’em in your mouth and take ’em on the go with you.

John: Yeah, I like the idea of the gummies too, cuz you can pop ’em in your mouth and, you know, try not to eat too many. (laugh)

Lisa: Absolutely. (laugh) I know if they do taste that good, you don’t wanna eat just one!

John: Yeah, they do. I tried them. They’re really good! So, what was your experience with the gummies? It was the Full Spectrum gummies that you had?

Lisa: Yes.

John: And did you feel anything? Do you notice any kinda difference when you take them? What is it with that?

Lisa: I love them! They’re fast acting and they calm me. I have anxiety, it runs in my family, and I can pop one of those in my mouth and within 30 minutes to an hour, it calms me.

John: Really, they calm you down?

Lisa: Yes! And if I have trouble sleeping, cuz sometimes, you know, as you get older, you don’t sleep as well as you do when you were younger. I’ll just take one of those an hour before I go to bed.

“I love this product because it’s just amazing! I’ve always liked natural. I like what it comes from. It comes from the plant…”

Interview continued…

Lisa: I’ve always been a nervous type person and had anxiety. And I love this product because it’s just amazing! I’ve always liked natural. I like what it comes from. It comes from the plant. And I quit taking pharmaceutical drugs many years ago because I just don’t like the side effects. It’s not good on your stomach.

John: I know, yeah. There’s always some side effects with those pharmaceuticals.

Lisa: Yeah. Narcotics. I mean, they’re awful.

John: Well, that’s really nice feedback, that it makes a difference with the nervousness and anxiety, sleep and things like that. Cuz I’ll tell you the truth. Before, I’d never tried CBD. And to be honest, I didn’t really think it was anything worthwhile. Like, I thought it was kind of a placebo effect people were experiencing.

Lisa: Yeah.

John: So I didn’t really get the whole craze until I tried ’em and I was like, I was pretty impressed myself! Then I became, like, a believer.

Lisa: I just love this product because it is the best! I mean, I love anything natural and it comes from a plant and that’s where everything comes from. I just don’t care for pharmaceutical drugs and I’ve always liked to do natural stuff.

John: I agree. If you can go more holistic, or natural, I think that’s how it should be, right?

Lisa: Oh yeah. That’s the way it began, when life began. That’s what everybody did back in the twenties, thirties, and forties, they lived off the land.

John: They seemed to have more knowledge about this stuff than we do now.

Lisa: Absolutely.

“It’s got a natural pain reliever in it. It has a calming effect. It makes me feel confident… I feel like I can be around people and I can be myself.”

benefits of cbd gummies

Interview continued…

John: So, what would you say, aside from the things you told me, if you were gonna recommend these gummies, the Full Spectrum CBD, to somebody. What would you say that it could really help with?

Lisa: It’s got a natural pain reliever in it. It helps with my head and neck. I can take it and it doesn’t make me feel all dopey or anything. It just has a calming effect. It makes me feel confident cause I’ve never been a real confident person. And when I take this, I feel like I can be around people and I can be myself.

John: How many gummies did you take this morning already?

Lisa: Oh! I took one. I did take one cuz I was gonna be talking to you, so I wouldn’t be so nervous.

John: (laugh) Yeah. I would’ve had one too!

Lisa: (laugh)

John: It’s really amazing to hear. I know what you’re saying. Cuz, like I said, I didn’t take it seriously until I tried it myself and then hearing other people say the same thing. It’s really interesting.

Lisa: Oh yeah. I don’t take anything, no ibuprofen, anything, even over the counter stuff. Since I started taking this, it’s been the best. I know what this is. I love it. I was so happy when they came out with this product and it’s helping a lot of people. I’ve seen a lot of good reviews about it and I’ve read about it a lot, and I just love it.

John: Nice. Nice. That’s so great to hear Lisa. Thank you so much. Really appreciate you coming to talk to me about this. It’s really nice to talk to you. Hope you have a great day.

Lisa: You too.

John: Okay. Thank you, Lisa.

Listen to the full interview-

What do you think about the feedback from Lisa in this interview? We hope it gives you some good insight into the benefits of CBD gummies. We love ’em for that too!

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