How CBD Helped Our Dog

Hunter is our 12 year old Boykin Spaniel.

(Boykin Spaniels are very energetic and active dogs that need lots of exercise.) 

hunter the dog

In his younger days, Hunter loved swimming, fetching balls, chasing armadillos, and just being a part of the outdoors. 

Needless to say, he kept us active as well! 🙂

However, recently he has displayed signs of slowing down… 

Like many dogs his age, Hunter has been dealing with arthritis and joint pain, and hassling before rest. 

Hunter was not sleeping well, so we started giving him Benadryl at night.

Also, our vet put him on Gabapentin 2X daily.

Let’s just say, it helped…

Being the owner of a CBD company, we started researching the benefits of CBD for dogs.

We found that CBD oil (tincture) can help reduce anxiety in dogs, and also helps to reduce pain and inflammation– giving a dog suffering from arthritis a better quality of life.

We talked to our vet about giving Hunter CBD tincture to help him. She thought it was a great idea!

We figured we’d try giving him our 1500mg Full Spectrum Tinctureadding it to his doggy treats. 

The dose we calculated was 1:10, meaning 1 drop of tincture for every 10 pounds of dog.

Hunter weighs a solid 55lbs, so that meant about 5-6 drops on a treat.  

We applied the CBD tincture to Hunter’s doggy treats, and he had no problem with that! 

Hunter has been on CBD now for 3 months.

Since then, we’ve seen miraculous improvement in his ability to walk up and down stairs, climb up his ramp for bed, and get into the car door, for example.

hunter dog treat

Also, he’s no longer hassling at night, and his disposition has improved as well.

Best of all, since taking the CBD, Hunter’s no longer on ANY medications (like the Benadryl or Gabapentin), and we love that!

Although he’s not as active at this age as in his younger “ball chasing” days, Hunter still loves retrieving the ball.

But his favorite sport is still swimming! 🙂

how cbd helped our dog

Dear Reader,

Are you the owner of a lovable, furry friend that you think could benefit from CBD?

Try our Full Spectrum CBD Tincture for your pet at a 25% discount AND Free Shipping (for a limited time!).

Just put in coupon code “FURRY25” at checkout.

We’d love to know what you think about Hunter’s story, and if you’ve tried using CBD tincture for your pet- what were the results?

Leave your comments below!